Monday, April 29, 2019

Can You REALLY Make $500 to $1,500 Dollars a Day With Lead Lightning and Power Lead System (PLS)?

Can You REALLY Make $500 to $1,500 a Day With a ONE TIME $7 Investment?

Yes and no.

To be honest with you, if you don't do anything with ANY "business opportunity" you find on the internet, no matter the cost, you WILL NOT make any money. Dreaming and wishing about making money on the internet, working from home, is just going to be a pipe-dream. You might as well be organizing a "piss-up" at the local pub.

I didn't have a clue what I was doing 20 years ago when I first got started on the internet. After 20 years of "cranking out" more "busy work" than commissions, I seriously thought about throwing in the towel and going back to my retirement life.

Then, I was introduced to Power Lead System and Lead Lightning (otherwise known as PLS and LL)... about 5 years ago. I signed up under someone (I can't even remember who) and did NOTHING with it. I didn't make any money with it either.

Lo and behold, not only had I signed up when ID numbers were in the 22xxxx's, but I signed up again (and again) under another friend of mine, then -- again -- under yet another friend!

GEEZ! Talk about "outta sight, outta mind"! I was really clueless!

Well, I was looking around in my emails one day and found an old support ticket I had sent in to PLS, and they told me that I had about 4 or 5 accounts. So, I picked the most recent one I had created and went to work!

My sponsor, Cindi Louise, was extremely helpful to get me "ramped up" and for the past couple of months (since February 2019) I've been making a steady income.

I started out with the usual $6 commissions here and there, then a few upgrades when my subscribers went to Gold, Diamond, and Platinum. I knew I had to "get behind the 8 ball" and go "ALL IN" so that I didn't miss any commissions, so I forked out the money to do so.

Here's where I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear: DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB.

And don't fork out money you don't have. Build up your profits first, then re-invest in your upgrades.

Speaking of profits and upgrading: spend some of your profits on paid traffic. Find a good solo ad vendor with quality lists -- one with proven buyers -- not "tire kickers" -- and build your business with buyers... not "lookie lou's".

Once I started "working" my business, I started making some serious money. It started out small: I had "dribbles" of $30, $40, and $100 commissions...

But then I started re-investing those profits into more paid traffic (solo ads) and started making $200, $300, $500, $1,500 paydays. I've even had a few paydays where I made as much as $6,000.

Is that uncommon in this business?

No. But it can be done... IF you know what you're doing. And if you don't know what you're doing, then find a mentor who DOES know what they're doing and PAY them to teach you!

My results may not be typical, and yours will be different. I hope you make more money than me!

Look... I know you're skeptical, and that's good! You probably think it's just too good to be true. Don't buy into the notion of "pie in the sky" and get caught up with the Shiny Object Syndrome. Watch the training videos in the back office of your Lead Lightning (or PLS) business and learn the fundamentals of this business.

My results are not typical, and I hope you don't drag your feet on making a decision about changing your financial future.

I waited too long to make the decision to get back into internet marketing. I'm glad I finally got back into it. Now, I'm making more money in one day than I used to make in a month!

Go to "The Anatomy of The Lead Lightning Funnel" and watch a short 1 minute 16 second video and see if this is what you're looking for. I'll show you, not tell you, how to make money with Power Lead System and Lead Lightning!

See you on the inside!

 Get Started Today

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