Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Hidden Danger of Using Facebook Ads

Darryl (not his real name) joins a business opportunity.

He learns about Facebook ads.

Since the basic knowledge he got about Facebook ads from his sponsor isn't enough, he sets out to find a Facebook ads coach.

Darryl discovers a ton of courses and info products about Facebook ads below $100 but eventually decides to join a $30,000 mentoring program with a done-for-you element.

Yeah... thirty thousand dollars. I know.

I said the same thing.

WTF ! ! !

I asked him where he got the thirty grand...

He said he borrowed the money from the bank.



Okay, so his mentor is going to write the ads for him, right?

He's going to teach Darryl how to upload them, how to split test, how to scale and everything else in between to put rocket thrusters on his online business.

  • Darryl gets on the weekly webinars.
  • He takes a butt-load of notes.
  • And he finally gets the promised ad copy from his mentor.

Darryl submits his first set of ads and patiently waits to start seeing clicks, optins, and sales.

Fast forward a week later...



  • No warning.
  • No rhyme.
  • No reason.

Just... POOF!



Darryl lost his ad spend, his $30,000 coaching tuition and his self-confidence.

He's devastated!

This is a 100% true story.

(I just changed the name of the victim.)

It happened to one of my students.

And unfortunately, it's as common as dirt.

Because these good-for-nothing "gooroos" who spin this "Facebook ad coaching" are nothing more than a bunch of Neanderthals who spend their days ripping people off with their "bait-and-switch" tactics.

As soon as they're gone, you can't find them anymore.

  1. They don't answer their phone (even if they had one).
  2. They don't answer their emails.
  3. And they don't answer their support tickets.

That's why I recommend AGAINST using Facebook ads as your first (and only) traffic source.

And, don't EVEN get me started about posting your business in the Facebook marketing groups. They're nothing more than a denizen for every creep, cretin, miscreant, scammer, and crook from every Third World sh*thole.

Listen up: If Facebook ads are the lifeblood of your business, YOU'RE SCREWED!

Facebook is already "throttling" back on big spenders, even people who poured millions into their Facebook ads.

People like Grant Cardone, Gary Vanerchuck, Frank Kern, and myself.

If your Facebook ad campaigns haven't already gotten cut, they will be, soon...

...if it hasn't been already!

And the Facebook geeks are going to do it without warning!

Faster than a west Texas coyote taking Viagra and drinking Red Bull!

All they have to do is change the algorithm, and your Facebook ads are HISTORY!

I recommend starting out with a lead source that's safer, easier, faster, cheaper and more scalable than Facebook ads.

Plus, the kind that won't get you slapped or banned EVER!

I've been using Traffic For Me for the past 3 months, and they have literally exploded my business with over 20,000 new subscribers. Over 80% of those subscribers have become buyers of one or all of my products.

If you're sick and tired of getting ripped off by the pimple-faced geeks at Facebook, tell 'em to F*CK OFF and take your business to Traffic For Me.